'Grace' is an amazing album. Buckley is one of the few people who have successfully covered 'Hallalujah' - in fact, there should be a law against covering the song unless you are some kind of musical genius. KD Lang is legal, of course.

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I’ve spent many nights on apartment floors blasting this album in life and heartache angst. “Too young to hold on, too old to just break free and run” has been sung at the top of my lungs too many times to count. Brilliant post. ❤️

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it’s been ages since i’ve listened--thanks for bringing it back to me. it’s hard to imagine the kind of musician/voice he would have aged into. a stunning, enormous talent.

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You have New York nailed. It’s your champagne in a glass slipper. I love your Didion-esque grasp of the zeitgeist.

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