Living in the upper Midwest, and thought I was used to heat/humidity. I’m typing this from Mississippi, a state that has spent the last few days reminding me that I’m really not. Im glad someone likes it, but man!

As for Bully, “adult” is a great way to describe it; I get it, anyway. When I wrote it up, I described it as typing up the loser ends her previous records had left undone.

Break up record... “adulting” record... whatever it is, it’s good, and I have to believe it’ll be on all kinds of “best of” lists come December.

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Yep, the breakup vibe is definitely what I'm feeling, too. Ha. In any case, like you said, so so good. And good luck with the Mississippi humidity, that shit is DIFFERENT!

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Safe to say, it kicked my ass. It's awesome to not have every joint in my body hurt, but man...

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